L4C Mission

TO LIVE IS CHRIST, TO DIE IS GAIN (Philippians 1:21):

L4C’s main mission is to help many souls come to an understanding that what they live for today must be worth what Christ died for many years ago. With the help of The Holy Spirit, we encourage people to not get too comfortable in this World for it is only a stop on our eternal journey. Nothing will last except the very Word of God that will bring Salvation and Freedom. With the help of The Holy Spirit, we use the Word of God to help others come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Also, It is our aim to bring God’s people together to worship our maker in truth, in faith, and in spirit. We believe the spirit’s fire should never be put off, we must always stay on fire for God always, and win souls for his kingdom. 


We are called to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the beliefs of the Christian faith, to maintain the worship of God, and to inspire in all persons a love for Christ, a passion for righteousness, and a consciousness of their duties to God and their fellow human beings. We pledge our lives to Jesus Christ alone and covenant with each other to demonstrate His Spirit through worship, witnessing to the needs of the members of this ministry and within our networks.



A Generation Standing Up For Jesus Christ